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Pia Muehlenbeck Net Worth

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Fit and sexy, Pia Muehlenbeck is the dream goals of many women but the perfect muse for others out there. She was from Germany but now hails Australia as her true home. Not only pretty but she is also a law graduate student. She describes herself as an “Adventurer, Nerd.” She is also now one of Australia’s most known social influencers.

Pia Muehlenbeck Biography

Pia Muehlenbeck is from Germany but is proud to say the Australia is her real home. She is proud of her body and mainly her fine stomach. “I have a killer ab workout that tones both the upper and lower abdominals as well as the oblique.”


Her body is quite fit and sexy because she believed that being a model means you need to be fit and ready. “The two went hand-in-hand really,” she said. She even added that becoming a model means you have to always and stay photo-ready at all times and that is the biggest challenge for everyone. “This meant that I started doing a lot of research, talking to people that inspired me, and learning how to maintain a lean, toned shape,” she added.


She also added that there are many tips and diet methods out there but most are just fads that do work really quickly but harder to maintain. “I became much more interested in the health and fitness side of the industry, it intrigued me.”


She knows that you have to be in charge with your own body and know how to change it and make it look the way we want to.


She wants everyone to become motivated by her hard work and suggest that setting goals is the first step. Make and plan of action and actually do and stick with it.


Her favorite quote is “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”


She had appeared in many magazines as cover models and also features from popular magazines such as Maxim, Sports Illustrated, CLEO, The Collective Renegade, FHM, and M! It’s no wonder because of her massive social media popularity.


She is now currently travelling the world and blogging it at the same with her boyfriend Kane Vato.

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