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How to Build SaaS Apps In One Month: Become a Bubble Developer or React and Make Money Selling Software

how can you launch a react website using a plug and play model that’s most similar to Bubble, because I am considering building my 2.0 of my product and moving off Webflow to Bubble or React, but dont know how to run react and get an environment setup, i know html css jquery javascript and feel react is learnable and more valuable, create a guide that teaches me how to get started as a Bubble Developer and the Pros and Cons and then for React, list out the monthly costs the tech stacks you need to run and an estimation of which platform would take more time to build on initially and then long-term benefits/values

Building a SaaS application doesn’t have to be complicated. Leveraging platforms like Bubble or React can fast-track development, reducing your go-to-market time from months to weeks! Each platform comes with its perks and considerations.

Getting Started with Bubble: A No-Code Solution 🧪🚀

Bubble: Top 10 Tricks to Jump-Start Your Development

  1. Use Templates: Start with a pre-made template that closely matches your app idea. This will save you a lot of time.
  2. Reusable Elements: Create reusable elements for components you’ll use frequently, like headers or footers.
  3. Data Structure First: Before diving into the design, set up your database tables and fields.
  4. Use Plugins: Bubble’s marketplace offers a plethora of plugins. These can add advanced functionalities without coding.
  5. Debugger Tool: Use Bubble’s built-in debugger to test and troubleshoot your app in real-time.
  6. Responsive Design: Use Bubble’s responsive settings to ensure your app looks great on all devices.
  7. Version Control: Make use of Bubble’s version control to test new features without affecting the live version.
  8. API Workflows: Integrate third-party services using API workflows to enhance your app’s capabilities.
  9. Tutorials & Documentation: Bubble’s official documentation and tutorials are comprehensive. Use them!
  10. Join the Community: Engage with the Bubble community for feedback, collaboration, and troubleshooting.

React: Top 10 Tricks to Jump-Start Your Development

  1. Create React App: Use create-react-app for a quick setup without configuration.
  2. Component Library: Use libraries like Material-UI or Ant Design for pre-styled components.
  3. State Management: For larger apps, consider using Redux or Context API for state management.
  4. Routing: Implement react-router for navigating between different views/pages.
  5. Hooks: Use React Hooks (useState, useEffect) for cleaner functional components.
  6. API Calls: Use the axios library for making API calls more efficiently.
  7. Styling: Consider CSS-in-JS solutions like styled-components for dynamic styling.
  8. Performance: Use React’s built-in React.memo, useMemo, and useCallback for performance optimization.
  9. Testing: Start with Jest and React Testing Library for unit and component testing.
  10. Documentation: Familiarize yourself with the official React documentation and community tutorials.

For both platforms, remember that building something functional in 15 minutes might be basic. However, with practice and familiarity, you’ll be able to prototype and develop faster over time.


Bubble is a no-code development platform perfect for beginners. It enables you to build complete web applications without writing a single line of code.

Pros of Using Bubble:

  • No coding knowledge necessary: Perfect for non-technical founders or anyone new to app development.
  • Quick development time: With a drag-and-drop interface, you can have your app up and running quickly.
  • Cost-effective: Starting from $25/month, Bubble can be cheaper than hiring a development team.

Cons of Using Bubble:

  • Flexibility: You’re confined to the platform’s capabilities.
  • Scalability: As your business grows, Bubble might not provide enough functionality or performance.

Build on Bubble Tutorial: Bubble offers an in-depth tutorial to kickstart your development journey.

Transitioning to React: A JavaScript Library 📚💻

More experienced developers or those wanting to “level up” their coding skills may prefer React—a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

Pros of Using React:

  • Flexibility: With React, you dictate how your application works.
  • Scalability: Build simple, single-page applications or complex, large-scale platforms.
  • Community Support: React has a massive developer community providing libraries, tutorials, and support.

Cons of Using React:

  • Learning Curve: Requires knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JSX, React’s templating language.
  • Setup Time: Unlike Bubble, React requires some initial setup, like installing Node.js and creating a React environment.

Cost Estimate: React itself is free. Running a React app generally requires a server and database. Costs vary but expect to pay for services like AWS or Netlify for hosting and Firebase or MongoDB for database.

Learning React and Setup: Here are resources to learn React and set up your development environment:React’s Official Tutorial, Codecademy, Setting up a React environment.

Which Platform to Choose?

Both platforms can help you build a SaaS product with their unique points. Starting with Bubble can be faster and can help validate your idea quickly. Once confirmed, you may consider moving to React for more flexibility and scalability.

Make your decision based on your current skills, time, budget, and the complexity of your project. Happy building!

#SaaSDevelopment #React #Bubble #NoCode #Coding #SoftwareDevelopment

Joining the Bubble Developer Community

Once you’ve decided to take the plunge into Bubble, you should immerse yourself in its developer community. By joining the Bubble Community Forum you can:

  • Post problems and get solutions quickly
  • Pick up useful tips from seasoned Bubble developers
  • Stay updated on Bubble’s feature and Bubble app releases
  • Find inspiration from fellow Bubble developers and their app creations

Mastering React with Online Courses

For those interested in mastering React, several online platforms offer comprehensive courses. Check out the React courses on Udemy, or for a more hands-on, project-based approach, consider the React projects on freeCodeCamp. Each of these will further your understanding of React and guide you in building various projects.

Investing in Your Future with SaaS Development

Ultimately, whether you choose Bubble or React depends on your end goal. Bubble may be a quicker choice for bringing a simple app idea to life with minimal costs, especially if you’re non-technical. However, React–though requiring more time to learn and set up–may give you more control and scalability for more complex apps.

Whichever route you choose, remember that SaaS development is not just about the present project–it’s an investment in your future. The skills you learn will open doors to potentially lucrative opportunities down the line.

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