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Joyce Meyer Biography

If you have ever watched ‘Enjoying Everyday Life’, a Joyce Meyer Ministries programme, you would have often wondered how can a victim of sexual and emotional abuse talk so assuredly about God’s grace, His plans and His love. Joyce Meyer is definitely ‘blessed’. A charismatic Christian speaker and author, Meyer went through a great deal of turmoil in her early life but rose from them all to build one of the world’s largest Christian ministries in the world. Her books have helped millions of people find hope and restoration in Jesus Christ and her programme commits at redeeming the words of Jesus Christ by helping people inculcate them in their life. She claims that it was God’s words that helped upturn her doomed life. She serves as a practical Bible teacher, sharing her experiences and testimony and her life-changing message from God. Lately, Meyer has earned wrath from the media for her excessively extravagant lifestyle. However, unscathed by the comments, she continues in her effort to help others redeem their life.
Following her graduation, Joyce went into the wedlock with a part-time car salesman but the marriage hit the rocks in just five years. She then married Dave Meyer in 1967. Meyer had an influential effect on Joyce, who with his support and encouragement calmed down a bit.

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