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Salomondrin Net Worth

What Is Salomondrin Worth?

Salomondrin's Net Worth is $25 Million

At 19 years old, he relocated to the United States with his closest companion. He wedded his better half, Belen Maria Salomon, in 2014.

Subsequent to moving to Los Angeles, California, Salomon took after his enthusiasm for the film which prompted the establishment of Helios Productions.

He likewise established Salomon Investment Partners. As a maker, he directs improvement and creation of the organization’s activities. He is continually creating unique substance, executing key connections in the money related division and assaulting every individual component of a movies life cycle.

His Youtube channel has more than 650,000 supporters.

Salomondrin Biography

Alejandro Salomon conceived on December 7, 1984, in Mexico City, Mexico otherwise called Salomondrin. He is a Mexican-American filmmaker, YouTuber, and business visionary situated in Los Angeles, California.

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Salomondrin Instagram

Follow @salomondrin on Instagram.

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